Friday, April 30, 2010

Introducing... me

Hello, welcome to my blog, Champagne Travel - Beer Budget.

For years my husband and friends have urged me to channel my travel obsession in a blog. The reasons are 2 fold. 1) because I amass quite a knowledge of my destinations that could be helpful to others, and 2) because I am certain I drive them crazy talking about my upcoming trips all the time.

So here I am. I'm 28 and married, no children, 2 cats and 1 dog. We are middle class earners who live in a medium/low cost of living town.

My travel budgets are generally quite modest, but I have discerning taste, which always makes for an interesting combination!

My favorite destinations are tropical, and in my first series of blog posts I'll be writing about our preparation for our trip to the Atlantis in the Bahamas! We are treating my parents to the trip to celebrate their 60th birthdays!


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